Researcher gathering soil from a field to test it.
April 13, 2024 / Article

Strengthening Soil and Plant Health with Acadian Plant Health Biostimulants

Improving soil health, improves farmer's yields

Soil degradation can significantly impact agricultural productivity. The impact of poor soil health on agriculture is profound. It leads to reduced crop yields, increased vulnerability to pests and diseases, and greater dependency on chemical inputs, which further exacerbate the problem. Moreover, unhealthy soils contribute to environmental issues such as soil erosion, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and increased greenhouse gas emissions.

The Importance of Soil Health Management

The Soil Health Institute and Cargill conducted a project to provide farmers with the economic information they need when deciding whether to adopt soil health practices and systems. The 100 farmers interviewed grew crops on an average of 1,940 acres, using no-till on 85% and cover crops on 53% of those acres. Those farmers using no-till had been doing so for an average of 19 years, and those who grew cover crops had been doing so for an average of nine years. Sixty-seven percent of the farmers interviewed reported increased yield from using a soil health management system. Based on the information provided by these farmers, it costs an average of $24.00/acre less to grow corn and $16.57/acre less to grow soybean using a soil health management system. Across all 100 farms, soil health management systems increased net income for 85% of farmers growing corn and 88% growing soybean. Based on standardized prices, the soil health management system increased net income for these 100 farmers by an average of $51.60/acre for corn and $44.89/acre for soybean. Farmers also reported additional benefits of their soil health management system, such as increased resilience to extreme weather and increased access to their fields.

Key Indicators of Soil Health

The Soil Health Institute identified three key measurements as crucial indicators: soil aggregation, increased soil organic matter, and active soil microbes. The abundance and diversity of soil microbes can influence plants’ growth and productivity; hence, they play an important role in plant health. Microbes in the rhizosphere called arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), colonize more than 80% of land plants, including crops. AMF forms symbiotic relationships with plants; the AMF needs a host plant to create carbohydrates and carbon. Carbon derived from roots during growth and then as root residues play a critical role in increasing soil carbon. In return, AMF extends the reach of the plant’s root system. This provides the host plant with better nutrient access, water access and retention, and stress tolerance. AMF also benefits soil with better aggregation and structure, which aids in storing water, nutrients, and soil carbon.

A New Tool for Improving Soil and Plant Health

In the realm of agriculture, the role of biostimulants has gained considerable attention for their potential to enhance both soil and plant health. Among these, Acadian Plant Health (APH) biostimulants stand out for their unique and multifaceted benefits. This innovative technology stimulates root growth and the growth of AMF, as well as beneficial bacteria, improving soil health. Evidence shows that Acadian’s technology is highly effective, significantly increasing biomass, and enhancing the microbiome with the connections between root systems and mycorrhizal fungi increasing to the tune of up to 211%, 4 weeks after application.

Acadian’s biostimulants are documented in studies showing they contain a suite of bioactive compounds that work synergistically to enhance soil and plant vitality. For instance, the presence of alginic acids in Acadian’s biostimulant has a dual role in improving soil and plant health. It acts as a chelating agent, binding with nutrients and making them more accessible to plant roots. This improves nutrient uptake and ensures that plants receive the essential minerals they need for growth. Furthermore, alginic acid serves as a food source for beneficial soil microbes, promoting a healthy soil microbiome that supports plant health and growth. This is just a snapshot of the complex bioactive compounds found in Acadian’s technology.

Additionally, one of the significant benefits of Acadian Plant Health biostimulants is the positive impact on soil aggregate stability. Stable soil aggregates are crucial for enhancing soil structure, which directly influences resistance to wind and water erosion. Acadian biostimulants promote increased root biomass, which plays a vital role in improving soil aggregate stability. Larger, healthier root systems exude organic compounds that bind soil particles together, creating more stable aggregates. These extensive root networks also physically entangle soil particles, further enhancing soil structure and stability. As a result, the soil is better able to resist erosive forces and maintain its integrity. The improved root biomass and soil structure foster a more conducive environment for microbial activity and nutrient cycling, ultimately supporting healthier plant growth and greater agricultural productivity.

Acadian Plant Health biostimulants offer a comprehensive solution for enhancing soil and plant health. Through the synergistic effects of organic acids, oligosaccharides, betaines, mannitol, alginic acid, and fucose-containing polysaccharides, these biostimulants not only improve soil health but also fortify plants against various environmental stresses for improved plant growth and productivity. By integrating APH biostimulants into agricultural practices, farmers can achieve sustainable, resilient, and productive farming systems.