Find articles to explore agricultural insights and topics and how we challenge convention to Sea Beyond to create a more resilient industry. For the benefit of plant and planet.

Seaweed Solutions for a Sustainable Future: Guillaume Lefranc Talks Innovation at Acadian Plant Health

Turning the Tide: How Seaweed is Helping Crops Survive Drought

Enhancing Citrus Growth: The Role of Acadian’s Biostimulant Technology in Combating HLB

Strengthening Soil and Plant Health with Acadian Plant Health Biostimulants

Acadian Speaks to Canadian Senate Committee Regarding Soil Health

Harnessing The Power Of Biostimulants: A Key To Climate-Smart Agriculture

Let’s Meet The Urgency Of Climate Change With A Climate Of Innovation In Agriculture

Improving The Efficiency Of Fertilizer Could Save $1.1 Billion Annually In Fertilizer Cost