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Ask APH: Episode 2

Welcome back to our Ask APH series, where we share insights from the Acadian Plant Health team on matters relevant to the agricultural industry.

This time, as we think ahead to what’s in store for 2023, we asked our SVP of Portfolio Development James Maude “What do you think is the most exciting opportunity for the biostimulant industry in the coming year?”

Listen to his thoughts on this below.

December 28, 2022 / Ask APH

[Speaker: James Maude]

OK, so the so the exciting part about the coming year for biostimulants really is about how MNCs, the major crop protection companies and fertilizer companies, are adopting the technology and investing in it. We see large companies now investing in optimization of products – biostimulant products – because they know the time has come where the major investment is no longer dedicated to synthetic chemistries.

It’s a very exciting turning point from a product development and market development perspective. As products will start to be focused on specific value propositions such as abiotic stress, such as drought and heat, or freeze stress. These are conditions that these conditions are becoming more prevalent and crops need help in order to remain productive.

Another high point in soil health where we know from research that some biostimulants improve the interaction between soil microbes and the plant and the crop to improve nutrient use efficiency.

It’s so exciting that investment is finally here to develop these key technologies to help with agriculture’s biggest challenges. That’s what I see in the new year, a lot more investment from the key players in the agricultural industry to make biostimulants a core technology for agriculture.